Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wed Nes Day!

Well back at work again, hmm not the best feeling. But hey brings in cash so I can play,,, dope.. pay all my bills :D

But looks like it is going to rain so that is a bummer, not very good motor bike weather if it is raining.

But lets see my wife is Beautiful! And I have a good job, God lives! the Church is true. Life is good right now. I am excited for the future, school, work, kids hmm a long way away hopefully.

Well that's that..

BABE I LOVE YOU!!! <--- Great song and true :D

1 comment:

kaolee said...

sweets, you are so good about this blogger thing. you're super. and guess what! it's super thursday. fabulous. it's been a long time since we woke up late on Saturday and made pancakes and bacon and eggs. i miss those days!