Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday AGAIN!!! WOOT!!

It's Friday again, and I am so excited so much fun stuff to do, and stuff that isn't sp fun as well.

But hey, I love the game World Of Warcraft!! It is like being on crack, er well or so I heard. :D

Anyways watching the clock till work is over!!!

If you dont know what WOW is then here is a link of my buddies playing in an instance :D


kaolee said...


you are such a dork:D
i love you. and am so Xcited b/c it's the weekend. we are such funny people and no i do not have brandomnia. you dork.

can't wait to see you.

love you!

kaolee said...

i love you!


have a fab day. can't wait to see you.

kaolee said...

you need to start blogging again. i miss you!

Michelle Claire said...

Brandon!!! Where are you??? Post again!!!

Melissa said...

Excuse me, but do you think we can have an update any time soon?