Tuesday, February 13, 2007



Yesterday we had a great FHE,, we read from the Ensign and Jesus the Christ great material!! I love Jesus the Christ,, and I have never been big into Ensign but ih has greatly enlarged my understanding while reading it, and even better when I get to read it with my wife, cause she is so awesome!!

Anyways today is another day at work, hoping that today goes by well. and reall really fast!! With no more server problems today ;D

Well I love you guys,,

Oh and Doll!! I LOVE YOU DA MOST!!


kaolee said...

FHE was fantastic last night! Thank you for remembering it. It really has drawn us closer together. Don't you think so? Love you lots. Can't wait to see your hotness!

Michelle Claire said...

Hey Brandon!!! I love that you guys got blogs and I can see what's going on!!! You guys are so cute too. Alright... gotta go! But I love you all.

kaolee said...

yeah. i so hope that they run with me and yes you have to come watch me. love you.