Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday AGAIN!!! WOOT!!

It's Friday again, and I am so excited so much fun stuff to do, and stuff that isn't sp fun as well.

But hey, I love the game World Of Warcraft!! It is like being on crack, er well or so I heard. :D

Anyways watching the clock till work is over!!!

If you dont know what WOW is then here is a link of my buddies playing in an instance :D

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It is Thursday and I rode my bike and it is suppose to rain, Bummer.

My wife had got a test today and I hope she does well, as usual she is going for another A, she is the best!

I miss alot of my friends who are all far far away from me,.

But hey I have my wife she is awesome.

Another work day, we will see if it flies by I hope so. I already want to go home and I just got here.

Well keep the faith laters!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Photo Printing the beginings in 1970!!

This is awesome pic of this dude in 1970 with the First Water color paper being printed on!! I thought this pic was cool, even if the dude is totally freakish looking,.
But pretty much one of the main dudes!!

Missed Thursday BUT IT'S FRIDAY!!

Alright I missed Thursday all the way,, but it is Friday, WOOHOO!!

I am so excited, cause tomorrow is fun ride my bike everywhere day.

And my wife and I are going out on a little date tonight, I am suprising her :D

But yeah, so hopefully today at work fly's by


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wed Nes Day!

Well back at work again, hmm not the best feeling. But hey brings in cash so I can play,,, dope.. pay all my bills :D

But looks like it is going to rain so that is a bummer, not very good motor bike weather if it is raining.

But lets see my wife is Beautiful! And I have a good job, God lives! the Church is true. Life is good right now. I am excited for the future, school, work, kids hmm a long way away hopefully.

Well that's that..

BABE I LOVE YOU!!! <--- Great song and true :D

Tuesday, February 13, 2007



Yesterday we had a great FHE,, we read from the Ensign and Jesus the Christ great material!! I love Jesus the Christ,, and I have never been big into Ensign but ih has greatly enlarged my understanding while reading it, and even better when I get to read it with my wife, cause she is so awesome!!

Anyways today is another day at work, hoping that today goes by well. and reall really fast!! With no more server problems today ;D

Well I love you guys,,

Oh and Doll!! I LOVE YOU DA MOST!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Okay, so today is work day,, not that much fun,, But looking forward to cruising on my bike, Oh Yeah!!

My wife is awesome as ever! We are preping for a marathon,, 26.blah blah. miles er something. But will be fun if I can make it past even the 7 mile marker.

Well Love you guys laters!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

This is after the fact I was way tired
!! And super Hungry

My wife is so awesome,, and Hot!!!
I muy muyh Love her!!

Here is me again, I just cant get enough ha ha!!


Got my new Bike it is way fun.. Going to love riding it.. :D Anbd of course My wife is there :D
She is the sexy one!!